Collaborative Police Action on Intimate Partner Violence

Content Provider:
Tagged Categories:
- Community Safety & Wellbeing
- Investigation Skills
3 Hour(s)
Release Date
September 2021
The purpose of the Collaborative Police Action on Intimate Partner Violence course is to provide police services across Canada with a brief framework of leading practices to address intimate partner violence and to better inform policy and collaborative action to keep individuals, families, and communities safe. The course will provide shared language and understanding of intimate partner violence that can be used among police agencies and with our community partners. Content for the course is from the National Framework for Collaborative Police Action on Intimate Partner Violence document. The National Framework for Collaborative Police Action on Intimate Partner Violence document is the result of collective efforts involving subject matter experts from policing, academia, and community organizations. Rooted in leading evidence-based research and practices, the intent of the document and the course is to serve as a foundational guide on which municipal, regional, provincial, and national police organizations can build their own policies.
The prevailing principle throughout the course revolves around developing collaborative relationships between police and community partners, which is essential for an effective response to the complex issue of IPV.
When you have completed this course you will be able to:
- Define intimate partner violence
- Identify the police proaction approach when dealing with intimate partner violence
- Identify the guidelines for investigating intimate partner violence occurrences
- Identify how to manage victims and offenders of intimate partner violence
Target Audience
Sworn Police, Police Services, Student, Government and Other First Responders, Private SecurityContent Provider
This course was built with content and collaboration from a variety of sources. Original course content was provided by Canadian Observatory on the Justice System’s Response to Intimate Partner Violence, the CACP Crime Prevention and Community Safety and Well-Being Committee, and participants in the Think Tank Community Police Response to Intimate Partner Violence: Sharing Best Practices.Additional resources, input, and content was received from Barrie Police, Fredericton Police Service, Kentville Police, Public Health Association of BC, RCMP, University of New Brunswick, and York Regional Police.