Competency-Based Framework Workshop

Since 2015, CPKN has been tasked with stewardship of the Competency Based Management Framework (CBMF) on behalf of the community and has been administering access for police services across the country. On November 28-29, 2018 CPKN hosted a workshop in Toronto with representation from 31 regionally diverse police services and organizations. As the current steward of the framework, CPKN wanted to facilitate and support discussions about the value of the CBMF, how it is being used, and its on-going maintenance.
Priority Action Items
Emerging from workshop discussions were four action items:
- Create community of practice with technology to allow information sharing and collaboration
- Funding and resource development
- Focus on the technical competencies that are consistent across all police services
- Research Competency Based Management (CBM) to develop an evidence-based business case for an effective framework
A comprehensive report outlining pre-worshop survey responses, discussion summaries and next steps is available following the link below.
Access the CBMF
The framework for competency-based management (CBMF) evolved from a five year project – researching and leveraging best practices in Canada and internationally. It details competency-based processes, profiles, tools, and templates validated by over 900 subject matter experts on the job, and doing the work, in all roles and at all levels of proficiency.
The framework outlines core workstreams, and the competencies required to be successful at that work in a competency dictionary. It includes extensive reference and research materials, guides and tools to simplify the work of HR professionals and managers at all levels.