Creating Brave Spaces

Content Provider:
Sinogap Solutions
Tagged Categories:
- Leadership & Management
4 Hour(s)
Release Date
July 2023
Revision Date
March 2024
The aim of this online course is to revolutionize the workplace by creating brave leaders who show up authentically, encourage comfort in discomfort, foster psychological safety, and enable others to respond to challenges and conflict with compassion and curiosity.
Creating Brave Spaces (CBS) course is for anyone who wants to develop the confidence and ability to be brave in the workplace, have difficult conversations, and manage through conflict. This course has been designed to give you the competencies and the mindset to lead yourself and others with courage. You do not have to possess a formal leadership title to lead others.
As part of the course each learner receives a workbook designed to help them reflect on important concepts and articulate how they can apply learnings to their own life.
When you have completed this course you will be able to:
- Discuss the concept of brave spaces and the need for them in our current workplaces
- Create SMARTER goals that can be applied beyond the course itself
- Develop self-awareness on topics such as: strengths, values, conflict style, and mindset
- Examine the value in being vulnerable and authentic when creating brave spaces
- Discuss the personal and professional benefits when intentional effort is made to develop one’s emotional intelligence
- Explore the concepts of growth and fixed mindset and how mindset influences how you communicate, support, and hold one another accountable
- Learn how to effectively communicate and connect with diverse perspectives and how to unbias our biases
- Develop empathetic listening skills and the tools to foster psychological safety
- Discuss and practice the communication style of a coach approach through humble inquiry
- Develop strategies to maintain brave spaces through establishing boundaries and assertiveness
- Discuss the concept of brave spaces and the need for them in our current workplaces
Learning Requirements
This course contains audio and video content. Please ensure that you have audio capabilities, either speakers through your computer, or headphones if you are listening in a public area.
A high-speed internet connection is recommended for optimal viewing and performance.