BC Evidence-based, Risk-focused Intimate Partner Violence Investigations

Free to BC police officers and other approved audiences
Content Provider:
BC Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General
Tagged Categories:
- Community Safety & Wellbeing
- Investigation Skills
5 Hour(s)
Release Date
September 2021
Welcome to BC Evidence-based, Risk-focused Intimate Partner Violence Investigations.
Intimate partner violence investigations are complex and challenging for police. These cases can be dangerous and unpredictable, and they have the potential to suddenly become high profile and newsworthy. The priority for police in intimate partner violence investigations is to keep victims and their families safe, and to hold offenders accountable.
This course was developed by the British Columbia Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General in collaboration with subject matter experts from police agencies across British Columbia as well as Crown Counsel, Victim Services, Community Corrections, the Ministry of Children and Family Development, and other stakeholders in the victim safety field.
BC Evidence-based, Risk-focused Intimate Partner Violence Investigations encourages police to take a proactive and trauma-informed approach to managing victim safety. This course contains tips from experts on conducting evidence-based investigations and educates and alerts police to the potential risk factors that may be present in intimate partner violence cases.
Special note on this course: This course was developed for British Columbia police officers and successful completion of this course is mandatory for all frontline police officers and supervisors in the province of British Columbia.