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The date has been set! Stanhope 2018 will take place October 3 & 4, 2018. We look forward to hosting you in beautiful downtown Charlottetown and discussing training and trends. More details about the agenda and speakers coming soon!
Read MoreCPKN is working in collaboration with RCMP, Public Safety Canada, Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP), and the Canadian Police Knowledge Network (CPKN) toward the goal of having timely, relevant, and interactive information and training to provide law enforcement with the knowledge of both the new regime and criminal offences related to cannabis and…
Read MoreThe Order of the Black Socks is an elite group of policing members and agencies that demonstrate leadership in the adoption of e-learning. Established in 2008, the Order is based on a memorable analogy first made by Insp. Steve Pilote (ret) of the Winnipeg Police Service where he compared the adoption of e-learning to good…
Read MoreThe Atlantic Police Academy is hiring a new Executive Director, position to commence in 2018. The Executive Director will provide strategic direction that is progressive and aligned with future needs and emerging trends to advance excellence in training, broaden existing and future partnerships, and strengthen the Academy’s professional contribution in the regional, national, and international…
Read MoreThe 2017 F. Darren Smith Award of Excellence was presented to Sergeant Sean O’Brien, Toronto Police Service during the 2017 Stanhope Workshop. In his current role as E-Learning and Learning Network Specialist, Sean is responsible for the research, development and implementation of Toronto Police College e-learning solutions. “Sean has demonstrated outstanding leadership through his collaborative…
Read MoreRudy Gheysen, long-time collaborator, contributor and friend of CPKN passed away on Wednesday, July 5, 2017. Rudy was a driving force behind the creation of CPKN in 2004, serving on the initial Advisory Committee and then as a Board Member. One of his largest contributions to CPKN was his role in developing an agreement between…
Read MoreCPKN is happy to announce that we are moving to a new system for the delivery of our online training. The new system offers a more user-friendly experience. Effective March 31, 2017, your existing learning account will be disabled. We strongly encourage you to complete any course(s) to which you are currently enrolled (but have not completed) by…
Read MoreWith overdoses and fatalities stemming from fentanyl use reaching epidemic proportions, the Justice Institute of British Columbia (JIBC) has launched a fentanyl website for first responders… >> View the website at >> View the full media release at
Read MoreHomelessness is a reality for many of Canada’s Veterans. While the extent of homelessness among Veterans may never be fully understood, a 2016 study from Employment and Social Development Canada1 indicates that almost 3000 shelter users reported having served in the military. Whatever the number, it’s too high. Homelessness among Veterans is a top priority…
Read MoreThe 2016 F. Darren Smith Award of Excellence has been presented to John Arnold, the man who broke ground on the CPKN concept and served as its first President. “John Arnold is the reason that CPKN exists today,” says Sandy Sweet, President of CPKN. “It was his vision that launched the campaign for online police…
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