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Policing in a Digital World: Competencies and Training for Canadian Law Enforcement’

July 8, 2021

Policing in a Digital World: Competencies and Training for Canadian Law Enforcement As part of ongoing efforts to enhance competency-based management tools, resources, and learning for Canadian police, CPKN is working to develop nationally relevant digital competencies and training to ensure police services can appropriately respond to the proliferation of digital evidence and cybercrime. Cybercrime,…

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Update To System Requirements & Upgrade to CPKN’s Learning Platform Coming Soon!

June 15, 2021

Update to System Requirements on CPKN Recently, Microsoft has announced the retirement of Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11).  As of August 17, 2021, IE 11 will no longer be supported.  As such, CPKN’s learning platform and courses will no longer function on IE 11. The updated system requirements are as follows: Javascript must be enabled…

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Better Together: Collaboration in Police Training Development

April 15, 2021

CPKN is a long-time advocate for enhancing collaboration to address common training needs within the Canadian police community. The newly released Methamphetamine and the Precursor Control Regulation course is a compelling example for why the community needs to double down on collaborative approaches for developing training that supports an exceptionally complex policing environment. “We know…

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CPKN Winter Newsletter

January 26, 2021

Read the latest CPKN Newsletter online for information on the latest courses added to the catalogue, updates on recent activities and announcements of exciting new projects. If you want to get the latest news in your inbox, please sign up for our newsletter.

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Discontinuing Flash Courses at CPKN

January 8, 2021

Over the past 2 years, CPKN has been working on updating the catalogue of courses as we prepare for the end-of-life for Flash Player. Due to the lack of support from internet browsers and Adobe and potential security concerns with continuing to run Flash Player, CPKN will discontinue all Flash based courses on January 1,…

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Course Library

December 16, 2020

CPKNwill be updating language on the LMS to provide clarity to end-users. The term “Repository” will now become “Course library”. The dropdown menu item “Repository – Home” will now become “Course Library Home”. This change will take effect on December 18, 2020.

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New Agreement with ENPQ

December 4, 2020

An Agreement Between ENPQ and CPKN Increases the Availability of Online Training  Nicolet, December 3, 2020 – The École nationale de police du Québec (ENPQ) and the Canadian Police Knowledge Network (CPKN) are proud to announce the signing of a new agreement that will make the CPKN’s catalogue of online training activities available to the Québec police and public security professionals through the ENPQ’s Moodle learning platform. ENPQ will coordinate the access to these training courses and ensure that priority…

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Virtual Classroom Research

November 24, 2020

In the summer and early fall of 2020, CPKN researched what was happening in Canadian police services in response to Covid 19 to continue training policing professionals and incoming cadets. To better understand, we undertook focus groups, held meetings and discussions, and circulated a survey to police services. To download a summary of the report…

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2020 F. Darren Smith Award Winner Announced!

October 14, 2020

The recipient of the Darren Smith Award for 2020 is Simon Paré of Public Safety Canada. This is a well-deserved recognition of Simon’s contributions to the adoption and advancement of Technology Enhanced Learning in the Canadian police and public safety sector. He meets and exceeds all the criteria we use to select the recipient for…

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Competency-Based Policing in Canada

October 6, 2020

In August 2020, CPKN developed a white paper Competency-Based Policing in Canada: An Integral Component for Transparent and Accountable Policing. The paper outlines the general history of competency-based management (CBM) and the CBMF in Canadian policing, why they are relevant in the context of current demands for police reform, how they can support policing operations into the…

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